Using the MetaModule: Jacks, MIDI, and Cables
How to Patch Cables
There are two types of cables in the MetaModule: cables between virtual modules (also called internal cables), and cables that go to the physical panel jacks (also called Jack Mappings)
Note: While VCV Rack supports polyphonic cables, only monophonic cables are supported on the current version of the MetaModule
Patching cables between modules
1. Click on a jack, and click New Cable
You can start a cable from the input or output. If the jack is already patched, then the new cable will "stack" on top of the existing cable (thus acting like a passive mult)
If this is the first cable you're creating this session, a pop-up will give you instructions. Read them and click OK.
2. Navigate to the jack you want to connect to
Find the module you want to patch to, and click on it.
Then scroll to the jack you want to patch to, and click on it.
Only valid jacks will be shown. You cannot connect multiple outputs to to an input.
If you want to cancel making a cable, click "Cancel Cable" or press the Back button from the Patch View page.
3. Done!
Note: Keep in mind that the physical panel Input jacks are treated like outputs. This makes sense if you consider that they send signals to virtual modules. Therefore, if a panel Input (i.e. In 1-6 or GateIn 1-2) is patched to a virtual input jack, then you cannot patch another output to the same virtual input jack (because only one output can drive an input).
Patching to a panel jack
Patching a virtual module jack to a panel jack is how you map the physical jacks on the MetaModule to virtual module jacks.
1. Click on a jack, and click New Panel Cable
If the jack is already connected to a panel jack, then this button will not be displayed.
2. Select a panel jack and click Connect
The drop-down menu will indicate if any panel jacks are already connected:
Connecting to a panel Out jack that's already connected to something else will disconnect the existing cable.
Connecting to a panel In jack that's already connected to something else will stack on top of the existing cable.
Patching to MIDI
You can patch MIDI signals to input jacks.
Note: at this time, you cannot send MIDI out from the MetaModule, there is no CV->MIDI functionality.
1. Click on an input jack, and click New MIDI Map
If the jack is already connected to a panel jack, then this button will not be displayed.
2. Select a MIDI signal
Choose from:
Note events (keyboard): select Pitch (key number), Gate (note on/off), Velocity, Aftertouch, or Retrigger (multiple note-on). Also select the polyphony channel. The maximum polyphony channel of all the MIDI mappings in the entire patch determines how MIDI note events are parsed.
CC: Continuous CV scaled to 0V to 10V. Select a CC number, or send a CC event to "learn" it.
Pitch Wheel
Gate on Note: fires a gate whenever a particular note is pressed. Select a note or play a note live to "learn" it.
Clock: Select the raw MIDI clock (24PPQN) or a divided version of that.
Transport: Sends a gate for Start, Stop, and Continue events.
Disconnecting a cable (Unpatching or removing a cable)
1. Click on a jack, and then click Disconnect
This will disconnect all cables to this jack.
For stacked cables (one output going to multiple inputs):
If the selected jack is an output, then all stacked cables will be removed.
If the selected jack is an input, then only the stacked cables that connect to this jack will be removed.
Following a Cable
You can "follow" a cable to trace the connections between modules.
1. Click on a jack, and then click on an item in "Connected To:"
You will be taken to the jack on the other module.
Clicking on a Panel connection does nothing.